Drawings 2019
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Bellowing into the Void.
Pastel drawing on paint wash. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Monochrome Key sketch.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
The Key 'composition'.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Nothing that Wasn't Relevant but Yet Still.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal drawing 42 by 59.4cm
Collision of Voids.
Charcoal and pastel drawing 42 by 59.4cm
The Eruption.
Charcoal drawing 42 by 59.4cm
Elliptic Convergence.
Charcoal and pastel drawing 42 by 59.4 cm.
Power Struggle.
Charcoal and pastel drawing 42 by 59.4cm
Physical Landscape.
Charcoal and pencil drawing. 14.8 by 29.7 cm.
The Will to Feed.
Pencil drawing 21 by 29.7
Spring Loaded.
Pencil drawing 21 by 29.7cm.
Pastel on pastel paper. 20 by 23cm.
Pastel on pastel paper. 20 by 23cm.
To Be A Fish.
Charcoal drawing 21 by 29.7cm.
Willy and Balls Diorama.
Pencil drawing 21 by 29.7 cm.
Sleep Spirit.
Graphite drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
The Bather.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
A Tragedy.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21cm.
Existential Sketch.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21cm.
Abstract Composition Beta.
Pastel and charcoal drawing. 21 by 29.7cm.
Abstract Composition Alpha.
Pastel and charcoal drawing. 21 by 29.7cm.
Trapeze Act.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21cm.
Blood of Christ Cross.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21cm.
Inflated Birthday Cake Head.
Pastel drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Inflated Birthday Cake Head After Party.
Pastel drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Cat Cartoon.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Conte drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Crying God.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Sign for Death.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21cm.
Adventure of Biscuit Tin Man.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Holy Moly Cross.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Holy Moly Coffin.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Holy Moly Cross 2.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Double Holy Moly Cross Star.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Interstellar Holy Moly Cross.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Man Lost His Glasses.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Milly Puss.
Pen drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Pastel on pastel paper. 20 by 23 cm.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
The Critic.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Sock End.
Pastel drawing 29.7 by 42 cm.
Spirit Character.
Pastel drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Staring Man.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Thumb Sucker.
Charcoal drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
In Case of Future.
Printed text on paper. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Shadow Spirit.
Pastel drawing 29.7 by 42 cm.
Black Sun.
Pastel drawing. 21.7 by 42 cm.
Construction of Spheres and Planks
Charcoal drawing. 21.7 by 42 cm.
Construction of Planks.
Pastel drawing. 21.7 by 42 cm.
Spirit Deity.
Pastel and Ink drawing. 21.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal drawing. 21.7 by 42 cm.
Chamber (1)
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Evolver Prize selected 2019. Sold.
Chamber (2)
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Chamber (3)
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Course of Black through red.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Black Line Configuration.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Impaled with Arrows.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Internal Vision.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Put a Fist in It.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Mr Construction.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Nature Lover.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Box Demon.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Coded Message.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Easter Egg on Ladder.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Existential Dilemma.
Charcoal drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Imaginary World.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Given Elements.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Anti Gravity Device.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Holy Chaos.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Assorted Construction Elements.
Charcoal drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Big Holy Moly Cross.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Madman's Lair.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Perspective Drawing within Matrix with Orange Box.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Face Punch Conflict.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Collapsing Personal Entirety.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Sharp attack.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Entrails and Excretory Tubes.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Building on Foundations of Balls.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Textile Design.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Toppled Castle.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Face of Sky Deity.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Harbour Scene.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Face of Mischief Chaos Deity.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Loudspeaker Tries to Escape Capture.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Erection of Sleeping Erection.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
The Gardener.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Anxious Comfort Dichotomy.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Five Elements within Pink.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Witness to Mystery Ball.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Journey with Wisdom Teeth.
Charcoal and pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Crocodile Persons Garden.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Outer Space Giant Bacteria.
pastel on Ink wash drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Compositional Sketch.
Pastel drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Party Nonsense.
Pastel drawing 21 by 29.7 cm.
Irregular Form Trying to Fit into Matrix.
Charcoal and pastel drawing 21 by 29.7 cm.
Composition of Stripes.
Pastel drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Locomotive Maniac.
Charcoal drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Big Head Cyclist.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Car Journey 1.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
Car journey 2.
Pastel drawing on pastel paper. 20 by 23 cm.
Car Journey 3.
Pastel drawing on pastel paper. 20 by 23 cm.
Construction of Spheres and Planks (Mini)
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Existential Dilemma (Mini).
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Soup Men Cartoon.
Pencil drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Inner and Outer Journeyman.
Pencil drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Offering Wisdom Teeth Back to God.
Charcoal drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Jelly Fish Man.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Feeding the Camels.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Man and Frog in Love.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Lone Protestor.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Lunging Man.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Man and Woman outside House.
Pencil drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Mary the Matron.
Pencil drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Trophy Man.
Pencil drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
A Map to Nowhere.
Pencil drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Meaningless Boundary Lines.
Pencil drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Manny Man Talking.
Pencil drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
The Hermit Observing Approaching Visitor.
Pencil drawing. 14.8 by 21 cm.
Putty Head Went to the Moon.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Putty Head Character.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Sun Balloon Man with onlooking Cat.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
The Smoker.
Pencil drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Popsicle Head People.
Ink drawing. 14.8 21 cm.
Charcoal and chalk drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Tribal Abstract.
Charcoal and chalk drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Tribal Abstract green and Black.
Pastel drawing. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Tribal Decoration on Iron Wash.
Pastel on Iron wash. 21 by 29.7 cm.
Textile Design.
Pastel drawing. 29.7 by 42 cm.
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